43 Posts

Developing a fast Indexing and Full text Search Engine with Whoosh: A Pure-Python Library

Applications, Computer Vision, Deep Learning
Performing OCR by running parallel instances of Tesseract 4.0 : Python

Computer Vision, Deep Learning
Running YOLO V2 for Real Time Object Detection on Videos/Images Via DarkFlow

My Data Science/Machine Learning Job Interview Experience : List of DS/ML/DL Questions

Classifiers, Computer Vision, Deep Learning
Achieving 90% accuracy in Object Recognition Task on CIFAR-10 Dataset with Keras: Convolutional Neural Networks

Setting up Deep Learning in Windows : Installing Keras with Tensorflow-GPU

Classifiers, Clustering, Natural Language Processing, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning
Conventional Approach to Text Classification & Clustering using K-Nearest Neighbor & K-Means: Python Implementation

Applications, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing
Predict the Happiness on TripAdvisor reviews using Dense Neural Network with Keras : HackerEarth Challenge

Applications, Clustering, Computer Vision